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100 x 100mm Sawn Pressure Treated Post

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100 x 100mm Sawn Pressure Treated Post (FSC Mix)

These 100mm square sawn posts at Southern Timber are a top-seller,  mainly because they are a good value, versatile construction product.  Long-life Permaposts, smooth planed and recycled posts, are described elsewhere on the website.

Sawn tanalised posts are used for fencing, decking and general structural applications.  Focus here is on sawn pressure treated 100mm posts, but other post types are readily available

Sawn 100mm square posts - size options

Smaller 75mm posts can be used for supporting trellis, panels and fences in sheltered positions or where the panels do not offer too much wind resistance. However, for solid panels and windy areas a 100mm x 100mm post would be preferable. 

Featheredge fences and privacy fence panels generally offer more resistance in strong winds. Therefore they are best supported by a minimum 100mm x 100mm post – 75mm are not generally suitable. The 100mm square posts are also sometimes cut into shorter lengths to create "dwarf" posts up to joist level in some elevated decking installations.

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 1.8 metres (approx. 6')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 2.4 metres (approx. 8')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 3.0 metres (approx. 10')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 3.6 metres (approx. 12')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 4.8 metres (approx. 16')

Finally, all of our posts are pressure treated, most of them with Tanalith E preservative. This treatment gives the timber a light green tint which soon mellows to pale brown then grey.  The most important factor is the protection against fungal and insect attack.  Any cuts in timber posts should be treated with an end-grain preserver such as Ronseal Decking End Grain Protector


These 100mm square sawn posts at Southern Timber are a top-seller,  mainly because they are a good value, versatile construction product.  Long-life Permaposts, smooth planed and recycled posts, are described elsewhere on the website.

Sawn tanalised posts are used for fencing, decking and general structural applications.  Focus here is on sawn pressure treated 100mm posts, but other post types are readily available

Sawn 100mm square posts - size options

Smaller 75mm posts can be used for supporting trellis, panels and fences in sheltered positions or where the panels do not offer too much wind resistance. However, for solid panels and windy areas a 100mm x 100mm post would be preferable. 

Featheredge fences and privacy fence panels generally offer more resistance in strong winds. Therefore they are best supported by a minimum 100mm x 100mm post – 75mm are not generally suitable. The 100mm square posts are also sometimes cut into shorter lengths to create "dwarf" posts up to joist level in some elevated decking installations.

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 1.8 metres (approx. 6')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 2.4 metres (approx. 8')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 3.0 metres (approx. 10')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 3.6 metres (approx. 12')

100mm x 100mm, tanalised at 4.8 metres (approx. 16')

Finally, all of our posts are pressure treated, most of them with Tanalith E preservative. This treatment gives the timber a light green tint which soon mellows to pale brown then grey.  The most important factor is the protection against fungal and insect attack.  Any cuts in timber posts should be treated with an end-grain preserver such as Ronseal Decking End Grain Protector

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