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Hutton Wye Rectangle Picnic Table (WYE)

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  • Popular option for schools & cafes
  • Joinery quality redwood timber
  • Next generation Tanalith E preservative
  • 15 Year Manufacturers Treated-Right Performance Warranty
  • Flat packed with fixings & instructions


This Wye Rectangular Picnic Table is made in the UK using quality kiln dried Scandinavian redwood timber. All of the timber components are machined and treated with preservative on the same 12 acre site.   Many Hutton products are kept in stock at Southern Timber, the other products are available to special order.

Joinery quality timber and Tanalith treatment

The Wye Rectangular Picnic Table is made in the UK by Huttons,  part of a well established manufacturing group. The group imports and processes timbers from well managed forests, most products being FSC certified. All our Hutton branded garden furniture (unless otherwise indicated) is machined from kiln dried joinery quality Scandinavian redwood timber.

After the redwood sections are machined they are pressure treated in batches with Tanalith-E wood preservative. Because this treatment helps protect against decay and fungal attack it provides an increased service life to products made with standard dip treatment. 

Wye Rectangular Picnic Table, functionality and style

Pressure treated using Next generation TANALITH E wood preservative which provides a 15 year TREATED-RIGHT performance warranty against wood decay and insect attack (terms and conditions apply).

A simple but attractive design, the Wye Rectangular is a traditional style picnic bench made using kiln dried redwood timber.

Height: 0.75 metres
Width: 1.795 metres
Depth: 1.5 metres
Table top dimensions: 1.8 x 0.68 metres
Weight: 64 kg.

Value for money

When comparing garden timber products it is wothwhile checking product specification as well as price. Although cheaper timber products may be available they are often made from dipped whitewood and made overseas.  However, Hutton products are made from Scandinavian redwood and invariably use more, and thicker, timber. Quality is backed by Hutton’s 15 year Treated-Right Warranty against rot and fungal attack.

Looking after your Garden furniture

Finally all our Hutton garden furniture is pressure treated to help protect the timber against decay and fungal attack. This pressure treatment, Tanalith E, starts as a light green but changes to a light honey brown. Then after approximately 18-24 months to a grey colour which is perfectly normal.

However, colours can be maintained and enhanced where required by using wood stains from Osmo or Treatex. If the timber has gone grey the timber appearance can be rejuvenated with Osmo or Liberon wood cleaners.

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