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Postsaver Sleeve 010, for 200mm round posts

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What Are Postsaver Sleeves?

Pro-Sleeves are a heat-shrinkable, dual-layer sleeve that you apply to your fence posts before installing them.

How Do Postsaver Sleeves Prevent Rotting & Decay?

Pro-Sleeves feature a dual-layer barrier system that creates an air and watertight seal to the post surface. This seal locks out ALL the factors required for wood decay.

Our dual-layer system is proven with over 20 years of independent test data by the BRE and over 10+ million sleeves sold. This gives us the confidence we need to offer a post-replacement guarantee with every sleeve sold, guaranteeing your posts for 20 years.


We currently stock the following sizes;

Postsaver Sleeve 005, 125mm Rounds or 100mm Square posts

Postsaver Sleeve 006, 75mm x 150mm Rectangular posts

Postsaver Sleeve 010, for 200mm round posts

Postsaver Wrap & Tack, 5 metre roll

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