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Osmo UV-Protection Oil - Clear 410 Exterior - Biocide Free - Sample Can 125ml

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Osmo UV-Protection Oil 410 Biocide Free Clear Exterior 125ml **Sample pots**

Osmo produce a range of lightly pigmented UV-Protection oils. Designed for outdoor areas these quality products help wood surfaces to keep their natural colour for much longer.

Key features of OSMO UV Protection Oils

Highly water and dirt resistant

Environmentally friendly wood finish

Osmo 410 is safe for humans, plants and animals when dry

Microporous, penetrating finish which does not crack, peel or flake

No sanding necessary when “topping up” coating

Delays natural greying by up to 12 times in comparison to untreated wood


Protection levels obtainable

One of the main features on the Osmo-Oils is that it forms a surface that allows the wood to breath, reduce swelling and shrink. It forms a water repellent surface that will not crack, peel, flake or blister.

Performance largely depends on the base-layer that the UV-Protection oils have to work with. Used as a top coat it will delay timber greying (on vertical timber) by up to 12 times as long as an un-protected timber.

If the Osmo-UV-Protection-Oil tint is being used with untreated timber then two coats will have to be applied to achieve the 12 times protection factor.


Surface Preparation

Wood surface must be clean, dry and frost-free (moisture content max. 20%). Ideally, surfaces should be sanded with nothing finer than a P120 grit grade of sand paper. Sanding to finer grades will probably lead to a blocked wood surface and reduce its absorbency.

Do not thin. Stir well using a flat stirring stick or spatula before use. If possible, and if the wood is an absorbent species, please apply the first coat to all sides before installation.


Weathering of the timber

Freshly machined timber invariably contains natural wood ingredients or extractives. For example Cedar, Larch, Teak, Mahogany and Iroko are usually less absorbent and need to “weather off” first before applying the Osmo product. Weathering helps ingredient rich wood become more absorbent and the wood finish adheres more satisfactorily. Weathering is also required if ingredient rich wood has been freshly sanded or renovated.

A coloured base coat is recommended, e.g. Natural Oil Woodstain. Coloured base coats can improve UV protection.  If you are undertaking a renovation then clean old microporous wood finishes thoroughly.  Any weathered, or grey, bare wood can be cleaned with Osmo Wood Reviver Power-Gel before applying an Osmo exterior product.

Soft wood species like Pine or Spruce are more prone to blue stain, rot and insects. If desired, pre-treat these soft woods if possible on all sides with Osmo WR Base Coat. Depending on the degree of weathering, apply one coat of Osmo UV-Protection-Oil Extra to the cleaned and intact finish after approx. 3-4 years.

 A word of caution

Osmo UV-Protection-Oil is best suited to vertical structures whereby there is plenty of water run-off. For areas exposed to strong weathering, such as flat horizontals, weatherboard, post caps or window sills, please expect significantly shorter renovation intervals. Vertical elements mounted onto horizontal wood should have at least a 15 degree angle. Sharp edges must be rounded (radius > 2 mm).

Care and Maintenance

Regular can be undertaken with a damp cleaning cloth and Osmo Spray-Cleaner or diluted Osmo Decking Cleaner.  Power washers should be avoided because they will damage  the wood surface.  General or multi-purpose cleaners (Flash, Jif etc.) are also not recommended, they will increase the frequency of maintenance and recoating.

Recoating the timber surface is simple, just re-apply one thin coat onto the clean and dry surface when signs of wear become visible.

Osmo UV-Protection Oils available from Southern-Timber

The following oils are normally available from stock. Please verify stock availability before travelling.

osmo-uv-protection-oil-410-biocide-free-clear-exterior-2.5 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-410-biocide-free-clear-exterior-0.75 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-410-biocide-free-clear-exterior-0.125 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-420-clear-exterior-2.5 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-420-clear-exterior-0.75 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-420-clear-exterior- 0.125 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-425-oak-exterior-2.5 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-425-oak-exterior-0.75 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-425-oak-exterior-0.125 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-428-cedar-raw-exterior-2.5 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-428-cedar-exterior-0.75 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-428-cedar-exterior-0.125 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-429-raw-natural-2.5 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-429-raw-natural-0.75 litres

osmo-uv-protection-oil-429-raw-natural-0.125 litres

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