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(HTP) Trellis Planter (H 1300mm, W 1000mm, D440mm)

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(HTP) Trellis Planter (H 1300mm, W 1000mm, D440mm)

Hutton’s Trellis Planter

The Hutton Trellis Planter (HTP) is new to the 2018 Hutton Range.  Available for Devon and Cornwall delivery.

Hutton versus Rowlinson Planters

Firstly, the Hutton Trellis Planter is a stylish addition to any garden. With its attractive machined square trellis and standing at 1.3 metres high it is perfect for training your climbing plants. Combined with a generous size planter this will give added interest and colour to your outdoor space. It can be used as a screen to hide unsightly objects or simply to create a boundary in your garden.  This product is for Devon and Cornwall delivery only.

The Hutton’s Trellis Planer has a height of 1300mm, a width of 1000mm and a depth of 440mm

If you live outside Devon and Cornwall then you could consider the Rowlinson Rectangular Lattice . We have been selling the Rowlinson range of planters since 2009.  Rowlinson’s planters enjoy free delivery to UK mainland address’s.

Huttons Treated-Right 15 year Warranty

This range of garden furniture is made in the UK using quality kiln dried Scandinavian redwood timber. All timber components are machined and treated with preservative at the same factory. Huttons modular design using components helps provide a coordinated product range. Hutton products are hand-crafted from sustainably sourced softwood.  Pressure treated using Next generation TANALITH E wood preservative which provides a 15 year TREATED-RIGHT performance warranty against wood decay and insect attack (terms and conditions apply).

Value for money

When comparing the price of this product against others please check the specifications are similar. Some garden products may be cheaper because they use dipped whitewood and are manufactured overseas.

Looking after your Garden furniture

Almost all of our Hutton garden furniture is pressure treated to help protect the timber against decay and fungal attack. This pressure treatment, Tanalith E, starts as a light green colour  but changes to a light honey brown.  Finally after approximately 18-24 months the lattice will change to a grey colour which is perfectly normal.

Colours can be maintained and enhanced by using Osmo UV protection oils.  Other wood stains are also available from the Osmo, Treatex, Liberon or Ronseal ranges. Grey timbers can be rejuvenated with Osmo Wood reviver Gel. Alternatively you can use a quality wood stain from Osmo, Ronseal or Liberon to add a hint of colour. Whichever product you purchase please ensure it is for planed, not sawn, timber.


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