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Horizontal Screens 2 Pack, Garden Creations

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Firstly, the Horizontal Screens 2 Pack is one option in the contemporary Garden Creations range.  Securing the small slats very close together means this garden panel can be used as a  privacy screen or for dividing up different sections of the garden.  It could be used singly and positioned near a downstairs window to provide privacy without significantly reducing available lighting.

All of the Rowlinsons Garden Creations range are made using pressure treated timber

  • Contemporary horizontal slat design
  • Supplied in natural timber finish
  • For privacy or separating garden areas
  • Includes 3 posts
  • Pressure treated timbers
  • Available in 4 screen pack
  • Does not include planters

ure treated timbers. They can be painted (or stained) to increase the designer impression tat these screens create.  There is a four pack option of the Horizontal Screens along with two and four pack options of the Rowlinsons Vertical screens.

Rowlinsons Horizontal Screens Dimensions

The Panel Dimensions are a height of 1800mm with a width of 900mm. The depth of the panels is 45mm

The post dimensions are 70mm x 70mm at a length of 1900mm

This set contains 3 posts but does not include the planters or other items shown in the images. The screens are supplied pressure treated, the customer can then stain or paint the screens as required


Instructions are included with the screens. However, please give some thought as to how you intend to secure the posts and screens.   The included posts are only 100mm taller than the screens, you will probably want to buy some metal L brackets,or similar, to secure on concrete. If you are installing over turf, gravel or soft ground you may wish to dig in a small foundation. Another option would be to buy longer posts.

Availability and Delivery

All Rowlinson’s Garden Products are supplied direct from their Cheshire Warehouse. Therefore no Horizontal Screens are available for collection from our Devon premises.

Finally, while most parts of Mainland UK are eligible for free delivery a few remote areas will have to pay a delivery surcharge. Please see Delivery details for the Post Codes affected.

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