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Wire etc

Wire fencing products include stock netting, line wire and barbed wire. Solutions are available for most agricultural, industrial and domestic installations - wire fencing is a popular all-round fencing solution.

Stock fencing

Stock fencing can be used in a variety of agricultural, livestock farming and industrial applications. The standard stock fencing range includes HT8/80/30 which is usually topped with two strands of barbed wire and for many farmers remains the preferred option for sheep. The body of the wire is 800mm high with 300mm spacing between the vertical wires, which helps reduce the weight (and cost) of wire involved.    

Line wire

Used as one component in many agricultural and domestic fencing applications. Line wire is galvanised and available in aluminium and zinc coated options. The zinc and aluminium galvanised coating can help increase wire longevity by up to four times.  

Line wire can be used as a barrier for livestock and provides a strong support for plants and plant netting. High tensile line wire is commonly used with netting for rabbits, pheasants and chickens. Heavier gauges can also be used with electric fencing and plastic deer fencing. 

Barbed Wire

Barbed wire is manufactured to BSEN10223 and galvanised to BSEN10244, helping to keep animals where they should be. Suitable for both domestic and agricultural applications, it can also be used for security with stock fences on many sites. Barbed wire is often used for topping fences and providing an extra of security. Available as mild steel or high tensile wire.

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