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32 x 125mm (27 x 120) Trade Deckboard (Smooth / Castellated) Tanalised

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Our cheapest deckboard?

Sometimes we get asked for "cheap decking" or "cheapest deckboards" and it makes our hearts sink. We don't do cheap, we offer value for money decking. The only way we can sell cheap is to use inferior raw materials but it is false economy. Our Suppliers have tried using a lesser timber, but the failure rate in machining was higher. Even worse the visual appearance wasn't as good.  In the end we compromised and chose a thinner blank, 32mm,  to bring down the cost. So, these boards are cheaper than they were without losing the quality feel.  Our thinner ex.32mm Trade Deckboards feature a castellated profile one side and a smooth profile on the reverse.  They are machined from 32mm x 125mm Scandinavian timber and finish at approximately 27mm x 120mm). These deckboards need a maximum joist centre spacing of 400mm. If you want a thicker board then you can opt for the Premier ex.38mm

Trade deckboards

The "Trade" decking range was introduced in 2011, they are normally available in 3.6 metre and 4.8 metre lengths.  If you want a wider range of lengths then our Premier decking ranges from 3.0m to 6.0 metres. All of our deckboards are imported as sawn blanks then machined and pressure treated in England. This pressure treatment, Tanalith E, starts as a light green but mellows to a light honey brown. Then, after being exposed to daylight this will change to a grey colour after about 18-24 months. As with all Tanalised timbers any cut boards should be treated with two coats of Ensele.

Looking after your deck

Many external surfaces can become slippery in the wet, particularly wood, slabs and concrete. Any area that is facing north, north-west, or where the sun doesn't reach is likely to get an algae growth making the situation worse. Annual maintenance using a gentle power-hose and brush can help to keep the algae under control.

Give the decking a gentle wash with a hose and then brush away any debris or algae that might have established itself. Do not use pressure washers on anything other than a gentle setting, otherwise the boards may fir up and make the algae situation worse. Ideally the boards should then be treated with a good quality decking oil to act as both a water repellent and to slow down algae growth. We recommend Rustins and Liberon deck oils, available from our Ipplepen Yard.

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