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ex.25 x 50mm (fin.19 x 44) PSE Tanalised, priced per metre.

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ex.25mm x 50mm Scandinavian Redwood Planed Tanalised

Planed Square Edge Timber (aka PSE)

In addition to profiled (shiplap, loglap etc.) boards we also carry square-edge timber machined from quality redwood. These timbers finish at approximately 20mm and are versatile additions to external projects. Finished thicknesses will vary slightly because of variable moisture content due to changes in the weather.

Tanalised PSE timber

Tanalised timber (more correctly labelled referred to as ‘Pressure Treated’) are timbers which have been pressure treated with preservative. This treatment helps protect the timber against decay and fungal attack and provides an increased service life.  This product uses timber that is pressure treated using Next generation TANALITH E wood preservative. This provides a 15 year TREATED-RIGHT performance warranty against wood decay and insect attack (terms and conditions apply).

All cross-cuts should be treated twice with end-grain preservative

PSE Timber lengths

Timber available lengths will be variable, usually the shortest lengths are usually around the 3.0 metre length. We sometimes show boards priced per metre for comparative purposes. However, we do not sell 1.0 metre length timbers

Our normal stocks of PSE, and some typical applications, uses include:

Ex. 25mm x 50mm – fine slats for bespoke slatted fencing and for heavier duty lattice fences

Ex. 25mm x 75mm – bespoke pale, aka picket, fences

Ex. 25mm x 100mm – use horizontally with 150mm for ranch fence

Ex.25mm x 150mm – use horizontally with spaces for ranch, or, hit and miss

Ex.25mm x 175mm – ridge boards, soffits, fencing

Ex. 32mm x 200mm – ridge boards and fascia on larger timber buildings

Ex.50mm x 50mm – L shaped corners for timber building 90 degree externals

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