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Decking Framing

Decking has evolved during the last few years and now fits broadly into softwood, hardwood, and composite. Initially, the design concentrated on the decking frame timber and decking composite joists. However, the focus is changing with manufacturers trying to balance the life of the deck frame with the decking boards that sit above them. 

Softwood Decking and Incised Framework

Our Premier Decking is now guaranteed for up to 15 Years, therefore deck framing needs to improve to a similar service life. To achieve this longevity the decking frame timber must avoid ground contact, and be supported by UC4 timber and/or posts. Alternatively, a suitable structure could be constructed from composite.  

Hardwood and Composite Decking

Hardwood and composite deckboards are stock items.  Generally, they are more expensive than softwood deck boards. However, the higher cost of the deck board helps to justify the choice of a composite decking frame.   

Composite frame “timbers” from Plaswood are made from recycled plastic. Most eventualities are covered by the three sizes 50x50mm; 50x120mm and 100x100mm. 

The life expectancy of the deck frame can also be affected by the quality of fittings - stainless steel A2 and A4 being the favourite - and following best practices. For example, decking frame timber is best used at full length wherever possible.  

Composite Decking from Millboard

Millboard decking is a premium board and is best used with a composite deck frame. Demand for use on garages, balconies, and flat roofs has encouraged Millboard to develop a range of adjustable Duo-Lift joist cradles. This enables the installer to finely adjust the deck board level and divert rainwater away from the decking area.   

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