Forest Garden Order Process
Ordering a Forest Garden product
Order Confirmation from Southern Timber
When we have processed your order the delivery details will be forwarded to Forest Garden. At this stage you will receive an e-mailed order confirmation from ourselves.
Forest Garden order processing
Forest Garden will process the order for delivery, allocate product/s to your order and then contact you directly. They will confirm what you’ve ordered, where you ordered it from and when they plan to make delivery to you. Delivery is made using a 3.5 tonne flatbed or a 7.5 tonne lorry, if you think there might be a problem with access then please discuss with Forest Garden.
This confirmation may be via a text, email or phone call. If you need to change your delivery date, please contact Forest Garden ASAP and they will arrange a different day that suits you. You can contact them by phoning on 0333 321 3142. Their delivery service normally operates from Monday to Saturday, between 7am and 7pm.
Delivery day
You should receive a text message the day before your delivery is due giving you a 4-hour estimated time slot for delivery. You will also receive a tracking link via email on the morning of delivery.
Delivery is normally made via Forest Garden’s own vehicles but sometimes may be made via an external courier, Tuffnells. Your main delivery contact is Forest Garden on 0333 321 3142 unless otherwise advised.
Any questions?
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us on 01803 813803 or by email,