Featheredge Panels from Southern Timber
Featheredge panels, aka Closeboard panels, remain a populare choice for a low price garden fence. Here are a few FAQs we frequently get asked:
Q. What is the difference between a featherdge panel and a closeboard panel?
A. Frankly nothing, they both normally consist of vertical over-lapping feather-edge slats. The panels are help together by framig and battens, each manufacturer having their preferred batten sizes and layout. This results in a sturdy privacy panel.
Q. Are the panels treated with a preservative?
Yes, all of out featheredge panels are pressure treated with recognised timber treatment.
Q. I can get some dipped panes for a lower price. How do they compare with pressure treated panels?
A. Pressure treated timber is recognised as a longer lasting treatment amongst manufacturers and Trade customrers. Because the timber spends more time in treatment the panels take longer to construct. Time = Money!
Q. Why are the panels quoted as being 1830mm wide?
A. Most panels made for the UK customers are 1830mm in width - that is 6 foot in imperial. The metric width equivalent of 6 foot is 1800mm.
Q. What size panels are available?
A. We stock these featherdge panels in heights of 6 foot, 5 foot, 4 foot and 3 foot. Widths all 6 foot.
Q. What is a "Privacy" panel.
A. Privacy panels have varying designs, but there commom feature is that the panel design has no viewing holes in it. They are normally avaialable in 4 heigths and if 6 foot isn't high enough you can put a "gravel board" at ground level. We wouild normally call a 6" (or 150mm width) timber to sit the panel on - brings the total height to about 6' 6"
Q. What panel colours are available?
Hobson's choice initially, they come usually as a light green brown, the colourvaries depending on how much pressure treatment was in the vacumn tank during development.
Q. Can I put some capping on the panel tops?
There should be no need as the panels already have a subtle capping in place.
We will add to this page over the coming months - in the meantime you can always send your panel questions to: