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Monthly Archives: May 2023

  1. May 22, 2023

    Homeless in Teignbridge Support

    We were recently contacted by one of our longstanding customers, Neil Townsend, about a foodbank that helps support the homeless in Teignbridge.


    HITS (Homeless in Teignbridge Support) works with homeless people and those in crisis and need in our community, throughout Teignbridge and neighbouring rural areas. People that HITS have helped include those who are homeless, victims of domestic violence, ex-service personnel, the elderly, families in poverty, disabled people, ex-offenders and many others. HITS are reliant on the kindness of the public, businesses, and volunteers to continue this valuable service within

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  2. May 02, 2023

    Artificial Grasses

    Namgrass Artificial Grasses

    We selected Namgrass as our supplier of artificial grasses for several reasons. The first was price, their selection ranging from just over £10.50 plus VAT up to, and over, £25 plus VAT.  These prices relate to the Namgrass Haven and Namgrass Solis and are priced per square metre.

    All grasses are normally available on 2 metre and 4 metre rolls and are “drop-shipped” from the factory direct to the installation addre

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