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Monthly Archives: April 2023

  1. April 26, 2023

    Spring has Sprung

    Armour Deck joins battle

    Armour Deck is our brand-new decking product offered exclusively by Southern Timber. This is a composite decking board that uses a blend of wood fibres and polymer resin plastics. Armour Deck, is designed to provide the durability and low maintenance of a modern engineered product with the look and feel of natural timber. Armour Deck offers excellent value for money, we have never been able to offer this quality of product before at such a reasonable price. As another indicator of confidence in the boards they are included with a 10 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty

    We have started with our first colours – light steel, dark steel and copper. We feel these colours satisfy both tra

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  2. April 20, 2023

    Softwood, Incised and Oak Sleepers

    Sleepers are always a popular product, we carry three different types – softwood, incised softwood and European oak. They are often used as garden retainers, horizontally or sometimes dug into the ground and used vertically. Other popular applications are for steps and increasingly for garden raised beds. 

    Softwood Sleepers

    Softwood sleepers are useful for steps, garden retainers and raised beds. Because of their size, and easiness to cut, they are effective in quickly transforming most gardens.  During the planning stage please n

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  3. April 04, 2023

    Easter Opening Hours 2023

    Easter sees the start of gardening for most of us. Early April means time to get outdoors with the family, check for any post-winter maintenance and plan for the summer. But first, check our opening days and times.

    Thursday 6th April - close at 5.00pm

    Good Friday 7th April - close all day

    Saturday 8th April - open from 8.00am until 12.30pm

    Sunday 9th April - closed all day

    Monday 10th April - closed all day

    Tuesday 11th April - open from 7.30am until 5.00pm

    There will be no Deliveries from our premises between the close of business on Thursday 6th April until Tuesday 11th April   

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  4. April 03, 2023

    Lonza Chemicals, Araxa AG and Treated-Right Warranty

    Araxa is a new name, but an established business, in the timber preservation industry. Over the last 20 years the business has changed from Arch Chemicals, to Lonza Wood Protection and now Araxa AG. These specialist chemical firms help develop the wood preservatives that the timber indutry relies on. Moreover, the Treated-Right Warranties are currrently backed by Araxa AG.  

    Through independent studies  there is a growing awareness that using timber sourced from sustainable sources is one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions across the construction sector. However, with a spotlight firmly on timber, education about timber protection technologies has never been so crucial.

    First and foremost the timber used in construction needs to be properly protected from the threat of decay and insect attack.  Without this, timber structures would be replaced more frequently owing to decay. This means that everyone in the industry has a role to play,

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