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Millboard Plas-Pro Subframe Joist - Black - 50 x 125mm x 3m

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50 x 125mm Millboard Black Plas-Pro Sub Frame Joist, 3.0 metre **SPECIAL ORDER**

Designed to be used in conjunction with Plas-Pro 100 x 100 Posts when installed  over a soil/earth base.

Plas-Pro provides youir assurance of strength, durability and peace of mind.  Plas-Pro can be used on your deck sub-frame whether you are planning a new deck or upgrading an existing one.


Plas-Pro is Millboard's recycled subframe material and is a premium product.  It can be used alone, or in conjunction with Millboard's Duo-Span landscaping subframe system. Because PLas-Pro is an all-weather, durable and flexible meterial it can be viewed as a non-rotting alternative to timber and much bettwer suited to damp areas such as pools, boardwalks, garden ponds and roof t  erraces.

Plas-Pro is made from 100% recucled plastic that has been engineered to provide a superior costruction material. ALthough largely similar to timber it may have a slight variane of 3% for all dimensions.e 


Millboard Product Code P1205B3000

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