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50 x 100mm (fin.38 x 89) CLS Treated C16 4.8m

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50 x 100mm (fin.38 x 89) CLS Pressure Treated C16 (PEFC Certified), 4.8m


Overview of CLS Timber

Our CLS carcassing stock is available in sizes 75mm (3x2) and 100mm (4x2). CLS timber is normally used for studwork partitions and so we keep 2.4 metre lengths for interior and 4.8 metre for exterior builds. Stocks are normally graded at C16, sometimes C24 and PEFC sourced.

Stock sizes 75mm x 50mm (3x2) at 2.4 metres untreated (finish size usually 69mm x 38mm)

Stock sizes 75mm x 50mm (3x2) at 4.8 metres pressure treated (finish size usually 69mm x 38mm)

Stock sizes 100mm x 50mm (4x2) at 2.4 metres untreated (finish size usually 89mm x 38mm)

Stock sizes 100mm x 50mm (4x2) at 4.8 metres pressure treated (finish size usually 89mm x 38mm)


The uses of CLS Timbers

Our CLS timber is Kiln Dried (KD) then planed and regularised for a smooth and consistent finish. It is more pleasant to handle than most sawn carcassing. Common uses are for building internal partitions, stud walling and timber framework construction.  The pressure treated (aka tanalised) lengths are also sometimes used for exterior fencing rails. If this is the case we also recommend adding extra preservative and Ronseal End Grain protector for any cross cuts


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