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3.6mm Malaysian BB/CC Hardwood Ply (EN314-2 Class 2, EN636-2) (PEFC Certified), 2440 x 1220mm

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Hardwood Ply core and internal veneers

At Southern Timber we supply a wide variety of softwood and hardwood plys, OSB, MDF and chipboard sheet products. This ply however uses hardwood veneers throughout. Lower price hardwood plys generally have hardwood ply veneers on the external faces only.

Far Eastern ply equals quality ply

We used to refer to this ply as "Far Eastern Ply" but the product is now mainly manufactured in Malaysia. This hardwood ply, in 9mm and thicker sheets, is structurally graded and also conform to EN standards 636 and 314. The face veneer is grade BB/CC, the BB providing the better face and the reverse side being CC, usually because it is assumed only one side will be visible.

EN314 relates to bonding quality, this quality is determined by the type of adhesive and the quality of the core veneer. This Malaysian hardwood ply conforms to Bond Class II making it suitable for use in humid areas or exposure to occasional wetting. Sometimes we are able to secure Class III which means the ply is suitable for unprotected exterior use or exposure to frequent wetting.

EN 636 takes into account the bond quality and the biological durability of the wood species used in the plywood. This biological durability refers to the natural capability of the wood to resist the detrimental effects of fungal decay and beetle larvae. The G2 ply conforms to Specification Class II making it suitable for use in humid areas or exposure to occasional wetting.

Alternative plys include 6mm Marine Hardwood or 3.6mm Red Faced Hardwood ply.


Finishing and applications

Whatever class a ply might achieve the product still requires finishing with a product suitable for the specific application, this may be a UV resistant stain or more conventional paint finish. Even marine ply needs careful application of an appropriate water resistant finish which must be applied when the ply is dry enough for the finish to adhere.

This Malay Ply is hardwood throughout, that is both face and core veneers are machined from hardwood timber. Manufactured to stringent quality standards means this ply can be used in a wide range of constructional applications, plus providing it is sealed properly it can be cut into smaller sections and used for tiling, soffits and fascias. One image shows this ply used in a range of Pig Arks from Booth Pig Equipment, the ply option is added to the galvanised steel construction and designed for a demanding life outside.

Size and availability

We currently keep several thicknesses of Far eastern Ply, these are all 2440mm x 1220mm (8′ x 4′) sheets. We can obtain 3050mm x 1525mm sheets to special order subject to availability.




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