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22 x 200mm Sawn Pressure Treated

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22 x 200mm Sawn Pressure Treated (FSC Mix) per metre

Sawn treated timber is a versatile and sustainable option for a variety of construction and landscaping projects. Our sawn timber is harvested  from sustainably managed forests and processed in the UK. Additionally, the timber is processed in the UK resulting in lower road miles and reducing our carbon footprint.

Lengths stocked for 8x1

We keep this timber at 22mm thick and it is useful for cladding, fencing and general construction. Width is usally a full 200mm and we stock at 3.6 and 4.8 metre lengths. 

Popular uses for 8" x 1"

In some regions the 8" x 1" sawn timbers are used as horizontal boards. When fixed as horizontal rails it can be fixed alternately on each side of the vertical posts. This is normally referred to as ranch fencing. However, it can be a hazard when fixed this way with youngsters inclined to climb the horizontal slats. 

Sawn tanalised timber can also be used as external cladding. This provides a simple and pleasing finish but when the sun comes out any small gaps are likely to open up. The timbers should ideally be packed with spacers to allow air circulation  this allows water and wind to penetrate the cladding. This can be overconme by using an internal membrane and a board and batten cladding style. The battens should be fixed at the joints - if the boards do "shrink" then the top level of timber will obscure where gaps might open up.  This should allow the timbers to dry at a more natural pace than just stacking them one on top of the other.  

Around the domestic garden these timbers might be used as a gravel board for landscaping applications.  They are also commonly used for small raised beds, borders for garden paths and planters. 

Alteratives to 8" x 1" sawn timber

The most obvious alternative is 6" x 1" sawn, often referred to as gravel boards. Advanages of the 6" timber incude the face that it is cheaper per square metre and the fact that it tends to stay flatter. Sawn 8" and 9" boards tend to cup slightly when the sun shiines for sustained periods.   We also stock 150mm timbers in a planed finish, ex.25mm x 150mm

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