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19 x 38mm Sawn Pressure Treated (PEFC)

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19 x 38mm Sawn Pressure Treated (PEFC Certified)

Timber batten sizes

We normally keep four different section sizes of "batten" in stock, the most popular being the 25 x 50mm variants. Other popular battens are the 19mm x 38mm and 25mm x 38mm.

The actual size of the batten is 19mm x 36mm

Smaller cross section battens

The 19mm x  38mm pressure treated battens have a variety of uses incuding fencing, garden structures and general construction. The 19x38 battens are usually fine sawn and pressure treated to UC2 to help protect against attack from insects wood rotting fungi. (see note below on pressure treatment.  

Pressure treatment of battens

These timbers are all pressure treated with Tanalith E, or similar, timber preservative. It is important to the durability of the batten that any cross cuts are treated with two coats of end-grain treatment are applied.  These timbers are tanalised for situations where the timber may be subjected to the occasional risk of wetting from rain. However, they are not intended for prolonged exposure to rain or stored (or used) in ground contact.


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