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150mm Feather Edge Pressure Treated

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In stock
Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
1.05m length

Stock: 735

1.35m length

Stock: 2093

1.65m length

Stock: 265

1.8m length

Stock: 3187

2.4m length

Stock: 674

3.0m length

Stock: 1099

3.6m length

Stock: 1080


150mm Feather Edge Pressure Treated (FSC® Mix) per metre

Feather edge boards represent a popular fence option because of their versatility, strength and pleasing appearance. Featheredge fences are constructed by nailing overlapping individual boards vertically onto horizontal rails - usually 38 x 88mm rails. This costs slightly more than traditional lap panels and ready made feather edge panels. On the plus side they are generally stronger, longer lasting and more flexible. However while feather-edge panels may be slightly more expensive they are quicker to fit. 

Board appearance & colouration

Each feather board is sawn from 22mm planks to provide a taper across their width typically from 14mm at the thicker edge down to about 5mm. The boards are usually 125mm or 150mm wide and pressure treated with green Tanalith E preservative.

Because these low priced feather boards are supplied as unspecified softwood, they could be spruce, douglas fir or larch.  Therefore colours can initially vary from pack to pack, even sometimes within packs but this generally tones down considerably after a few weeks.  There may be traces of green on feathered fence slats, this is quite normal and normally occurs where knots or sap in the timber have a small residue of preservative.

All our sawn boards can be stained, usually shades of brown or green, to put extra colour into the garden.   Because of the absorbent nature of sawn timber you would be advised to use a stain that is formulated for sawn rather than planed timber.  We supply a suitable Ronseal Fencelife timber stain which is available in six different shades

Feather board widths and length options

We have 125mm boards available at  1.2 metres, 1.65 metres and also at 1.8 metres height.  With a 25mm board lap you will need 10 boards per linear metre run of fence, e.g. a 12 metre fence would need a minimum 120 (12 x 10) boards plus a few for waste. 

Our most popular selling featheredge are the 150mm boards. They are stocked at 1.05 metres, 1.35metres, 1.65 metres, 1.8 metres, 2.4 metres, 3.0 and 3.6 metres lengths. With a 25mm lap you will need 8 boards per linear metre run of fence.

Longer lengths of feather boards are normally used in cladding applications, a 10 foot shed would need 3.0 metre feather board.  Some customers cut boards to size where unusual board heights are required - it is vital that these cuts are treated with an endgrain preserver.

We also stock a thicker 2ex. 32mm feather profile board at 175mm widths and 4.8 metres in length for cladding larger buildings. 

Once again, all cut lengths of featheredge must be treated with an end grain/cross grain preserver.

Gravel boards to prolong fence service life

Because of the variety of fence rail lengths, post heights and featherboards it is possible to follow changes in garden levels. You can customise the fence dimensions to deal with variations in post spacing, ground height and fence alignment.  Where possible use a horizontal gravel board at the bottom of the vertical featheredge boards.  It will help to protect against mower damage and soil creep. Additionally it should reduce the tendency of vertical boards to draw moisture up through the cut ends of the board.


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