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106mm UC4 Treated PERMAPOST Round Post, 1.68m

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106mm UC4i Green Treated PERMAPOST Incised Use Class 4 Round Posts (FSC® Mix), 1.68m

Overview of round agricultural posts

For fencing projects requiring high performance check out our range of 88m machine rounded UC4 posts with a 15 Year Service Life. To achieve this quality the posts are kiln dried, incised and then pressure treated in a vacuum. This is vital to achieve Use Class 4 grading requirements, essential when timber is in ground contact or frequently wet.

Round posts and agricultural fencing

Round posts have been associated with agricultural fence installations for many years, but since the late 1990’s fence posts started to fail after 3-4 years. This happened at a time when the chemical constituents of the preservatives had been radically changed. It transpires that the new eco-friendly chemicals were kind on the environment but also ineffective.   

On top of this the UK‘s increasingly warmer and wetter weather has made conditions even better for the wood rotting bacteria. Not ideal but progress had been made. The current mix of chemicals in the preservatives suggests that 15-Years “Service Life” is now about correct.   

Pressure treating the posts

Pressure-treated fencing posts are strong machine-rounded stakes, the Tanalith preservation is to protect against rotting and damp. The treatment process begins with the timber being kiln-dried to reduce the moisture content down to around 28%. The preservative is then added to the timber in a high-pressure vacuum to achieve deeper penetration of preservative. The intense treatment is intended to extend the post’s life to approximately 15 years.

Selection of diameters and lengths

These machine rounded posts are normally available in 85mm up to  2.2 metres in length. The durable posts are suited for a variety of outdoor activities including fencing, landscaping and agricultural shelters.  In addition to providing exterior structural support in wet conditions these timbers also provide structural integrity, with an expected service life of 15 years

Our wooden stakes are ideal for almost all types of fencing including garden fences, agricultural fences, animal fences, boundaries and farm fields. These stakes are commonly used for long term applications such as animal stock fencing and farm fencing.


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