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1.8m x 0.9m (6ft x 3ft) Round Top Pale Panel Tanalised

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1.8m x 0.9m (6ft x 3ft) Round Top Pale Panel, Tanalised 


Traditional fencing using round-top pales

A traditional type of garden panel  – round-top pale panels and some neat posts look at home almost anywhere. These pale fence panels use 900mm height pales. They are popular because they can usually form a garden boundary without interfering with the view. We also stock 600mm and 1800mm round tops,  plus 3 sizes of pale gates 

Round Top Pales Fencing styles

These fences are spaced with one pale/slat followed by a space which is the same width of a fence slat. Round top slats have a planed finish and measure approximately 70mm x 20mm.  Most installations use the 70mm width, possibly because it uses less timber and is therefore cheaper. Larger spaces between fence uprights also keep the garden more open and allows more light through to the plants.  

Because of their smooth, planed finish they can also be painted with traditional paints.  We would suggest painting with one of the newer micro-porous products such as Osmo Country Colour.

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These planed, round top pales are available singly in four height options – 0.6m, 0.9m, 1.2m and also 1.8 metres. They are manufactured in England and other lengths can be ordered in pack quantities – i.e. 700 pieces upwards. These round top slats can be combined with smooth planed finish (PSE) posts and rails, or sawn materials. Many tradesmen use CLS 47mm x 100mm for fence rails because the finished dimensions are ideal for fence rails (40mm x 90mm).  CLS timbers also have a nice, regularised finish. 

You could also use planed pressure treated products for rails, posts or general fencing. This is one product where a 75mm planed post looks better, more proportional, than a 100mm post. If you have to cut a post to length then make sure the factory end is the one that is concreted into the ground. The cut end should be treated carefully with end-grain treatment according to instructions. coat

 Stocked sizes of round top pales.

We stock the following sizes of round-top pales. They can be used to complete your installation of panels if there are any unusual sized spaces where a whole panel can’t be fitted.

ex.25mm x 75mm (finish 20 x 69) Round Top PSE Tanalised, 600mm

ex.25mm x 75mm (finish 20 x 69) Round Top PSE Tanalised, 900mm

ex.25mm x 75mm (finish 20 x 69) Round Top PSE Tanalised, 1200mm

ex.25mm x 75mm (finish 20 x 69) Round Top PSE Tanalised, 1800mm

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